Neurodivergence: A Relationship Superpower!

couples mindset neurodifferent couples neurodifferent relationship neurodivergence neurosignatures tedxmiltonhs the positive mom thought-leader

We're a ND/NT couple. What exactly is that? We're glad you asked. Neurodivergent/Neurotypical (ND/NT) defines who we are based on our Neurosignatures. Recently, we delivered a Thought Leader talk in Ft. Worth Texas discussing our status, and the talk was very well received. The talk was organized and promoted by our dear friend and Thought Leader coach Elayna Fernandez, the Positive Mom, and sponsored by Thought Leader, the organization dedicated to our success as public speakers. 

After our talk, which covered the various ways we navigate our differences, enhancing our already amazing relationship, we received many, many inquiries from the audience. People wanted to know how we cultivate our patience with each other, how we manage to stick together through thick and sometimes thicker. The asked about our collaboration on various creative projects, such as co-authoring our Journey Well, You Are More Than Enough series of inspirational books & guidebooks. 

Our talk was just a bit longer than 7 minutes. But when we look back at it after our great success discussing this timely and important topic, we'll know it was Thought Leader, and Ft. Worth that really put us on that stage. We've had great success already. In April we delivered a TEDx talk on this topic in Alpharetta Georgia. That talk was well received, and has opened many doors for us. 

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