Cory Warfield

Cory Warfield

Tech Founderā€”Advisorā€” Promoterā€” Growth Coach ā€” Connector ā€”Amplifier ā€” Strategist


As for my values, I donā€™t know that I live them, I kind of embody them. They would be empathy and reciprocity. I try to view everything through those two lenses. I donā€™t do things to get things back, but every time I put good out, I seem to get good back.

Once a quarter I give someone a scholarship for a school that canā€™t afford it, and just today one of them contacted me in tears. She started out with 90 followers, and now she has 2,400. Her posts are getting 100,000 views, and thousands of likes, she has feelers out for 7 jobs and today one of them came through, from a guy I introduced her to. Heā€™s going to be paying her $250.00 a week, so a thousand American dollars a month. Sheā€™s Nigerian, so thatā€™s a lot of money to her. Her husband lost his job, and they have kids, and she was absolutely elated. I got a message on WhatsApp, saying, ā€œCory hiring her is going to be a life changer for me.ā€ You try to do everything in good faith, and it comes back ten-fold, a million-fold, whatever it might be.

As for the time I was living on the street, Iā€™d have money for a couple of slices of pizza, and Iā€™d give one away, and empathy and non-judgment came out of that. I was a waiter for 20 years, and I started having the ā€˜servant in the castleā€™ mentality, and I think thatā€™s where the non-judgment idea came from as well.
I heard about this website built by the Israelis called Shareit*. They offer a platform to sell things, and they were arranging for Israelis and Palestinians to put books on othersā€™ doorsteps, and I thought this could promote world peace. And I met with the chairman of that company, and he asked if I knew anyone in Brazil, and I said, okay, youā€™re kidding me, right? I live down there! I fell in love with the place. Itā€™s one of those things thatā€™s cool and funny at the same time, so I couldnā€™t say no to him.

I knew I was smart, and I believed in myself. What influenced my path the most, I think, was the desire to always be improving. My grandfather had a lot of money, but I never saw him work a day in his life, so I learned you can work smarter, not harder. I know I can goĀ out today and make six figures, then give it away, and make more tomorrow. I donā€™t stockpile. Iā€™m not a gambler. I love to give it away. Philanthropy is a beautiful thing.


Chief Connection Officer, Coryconnects Founder, host of podcast, namesake, & chairman at #Coryconnects - the forward-thinking tech-forward organization helping many thousands worldwide upskill, get placed into amazing new roles & opportunities, and to best leverage social media to network & get ahead in this world. #Coryconnects people, opportunities & ideas for the greater good!

Lead Partner, North America Lead Partner, North America Influencer Active is the worldā€™s first B2B Influencer Marketing platform, already being used by SMBs through to Fortune 100 companies globally to reach targeted audiences on strategic social media platforms with large audiences in an affordable, customizable, and innovative manner. I began as an influencer on the platform and because an investor, and then executive saw the potential, and the opportunity to help IA scale even more than they already are!


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